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Para expresar posiciones de países, en Inglés se utiliza el verbo to be:

Zaragoza is in the north of Spain
Sevilla is in the south of Spain
Salamanca is in the east of Spain
Valencia is in the west of Spain
Madrid is in the centre of Spain
I am at university / Estoy (estudiando) en la universidad
I am at the university / Estoy (ahora mismo dentro de un efidficio) en la universidad
I am at university (estudiando) si no es una universidad específica.
I am at the university (estudiando) si es una universidad específica.
Pople study at university. Prior to that, students are in primary school, in elementary/middle school, in high school but most definitely (studying) at university.
She's doing a BA at X University; He's an undergraduate student.
A student studies at university or at X University.

equivalente en alemán